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SECTION 1. Classes of Membership.
(a) Regular Member. Any adult may become a regular member of the Academy upon submitting a completed application form to the secretary. The application requires the approval of the Executive Committee.
(b) Associate Member. Any undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at an institution of higher learning may become an associate member under the same procedures as the regular members. Associate members are entitled to all of the rights and privileges of regular members except the right to hold office and the right to vote at the Annual Meeting of the Academy. Students in secondary school schools are eligible only for membership in the New Jersey Junior Academy of Science.
(c) Organizational Member. Any organization or institution may become a member of the academy upon payment of annual dues as determined by the Executive Committee. Each organizational member may designate an individual as its Academy representative, and this representative shall have the right to attend all scientific meetings, including the Annual Meeting.
(d) Life Member. A member shall be designated life member upon payment of two hundred ($250) dollars.
(e) Emeritus. Any member of the Academy who has remained in good standing for six (6) consecutive years and has attained the age of sixty-five (65) shall, upon his written request, be declared an emeritus member by the Executive Committee. An emeritus member shall be assessed for half of the annual dues and shall retain all of the rights and privileges of regular members.
SECTION 2. Patron. Any individual or organization shall be designated a patron of the Academy upon payment of five hundred ($500) or more results to the Academy each year.
SECTION 3. Fellows. Any person may be elected a fellow of the Academy providing the individual has been nominated by two or more members of the Academy and whose nomination has been approved by the Executive Committee. Members of the Academy who are fellows of the A.A.A.S. shall be classified as fellows of the Academy. Fellows shall be subject to the regular dues and fees of regular members and shall retain membership in the Academy only so long as these membership obligations are met.
SECTION 1. Election. The Nominations Committee shall submit a slate with the name or names of nominees for the position of President-Elect and Secretary. (See Article V, Section 3 of these By-Laws for requirements). These names shall be submitted to the membership by mail ballot in February. The President-Elect and Secretary shall be selected by a majority of the returned and marked ballots.
SECTION 2. Appointments and terms of office. The President with the approval of the Executive Committee makes all key appointments in the Academy.
(a) The following appointments are made for a two (2) year term and may be renewed.
(b) The following appointments are made for staggered three (3) year terms, which may be renewed. Individuals for these positions are recommended to the President by the Publications Committee.
SECTION 3. Duties.
(a) President. The President shall have the responsibility of administering all of the activities of the Academy and shall faithfully carry out the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws. He/she shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee and of the Advisory Council. He/she shall appoint, with approval of the Executive Committee, the chairpersons of all committees, including the standing committees.
(b) President-Elect. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of President during his/her absence or disability. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled immediately by the President-Elect for the unexpired term, but this interim term as acting President shall in no way invalidate his/her orderly succession to be President for a regular term. The primary function of the President-Elect is to prepare during one year in office to serve effectively as the President of the Academy. To this end, the President-Elect should become familiar with the responsibilities of all officers of the Academy and should be given specific assignments to further his/her knowledge of Academy operations. The President-Elect is a member of the Awards Committee and Program Committee on which he/she is responsible for securing the key speaker for the Annual Meeting, and may also be appointed to other standing committees.
(c) Immediate Past-President. The immediate Past-President, in the event both President and President-Elect become incapactitated, shall assume the office as acting President until a special election can be held. The immediate Past-President shall serve as chairperson of the Membership/Finance Committeee.
(d) Executive Secretary. Subject to review by the President and Executive Committee, the Executive Secretary shall have responsibility for supervising the work of the office of the Academy. This involves the week to week administration of the policies of the Executive Committee. The Executive Secretary shall be chairperson of the Annual Meeting Committee. The Executive Secretary shall propose plans to the Executive Committee for improvements and expansion of Academy activities and shall be responsible for the updating of Academy brochures, the Procedure Manual, the Archives and for all Academy correspondence not specifically assigned to other officers.
(e) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the record of all meetings of the Academy and prepare minutes of the Annual Meeting and the meetings of the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for seeing that an official record of membership is maintained.
(f) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody of all Academy funds and shall establish an account in a bank in the name of the Academy; shall also prepare and mail notice of dues; receive and disperse Academy funds and submit a detailed annual financial report to the Executive Committee at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting of the Academy. After the financial report has been audited by an independent agency, it shall be submitted by the Treasurer for approval at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall be ex officio member of the Membership/Finance Committee during the tenure of his/her office.
(g) Editor/s of the NEWSLETTER. The Editors of the NEWSLETTER shall be responsible for the publication of the NEWSLETTER at regular intervals.
(h) Chairperson of the Science Program. The Chairperson of the scientific portion of the Annual Meeting shall be responsible for the development of the program for the Annual Meeting involving the selection, appointment and instruction of section chairpersons; for preparation of announcements of the Annual Meeting in the NEWSLETTER; shall receive all abstracts of contributed papers and arrange with the editor of the BULLETIN for their publication; shall have primary responsibility for the preparation of the printed program of the Annual Meeting with its detailed arrangements of the scheduling of contributed papers.
(i) Representatives to A.A.A.S. Sections. The A.A.A.S. representatives shall attend the A.A.A.S. section meetings or make provisions for an alternate to attend, in the event that he/she is unuable to be present. The attendee will prepare a report on the meetings for the Executive Committee upon request.
(j) Director of the Junior Academy. The Director of the Junior Academy shall have general oversight of all activities of the Junior Academy including the maintenance of membership, the Annual Meeting, special programs, coordination of the Grants-In-Aid Program and the New Jersey Science Talent Search Awards Programs. The Director is a member of the Executive Committee and is assisted by an Advisory Committee, and is expected to report at regular intervals to the Executive Committee of the Senior Academy.
(k) The Chairperson of Grants-In-Aid. The Chairperson of Grants-In-Aid shall administer the Grants-In-Aid Program with the assistance of the Junior Academy Committee as an essential part of the Junior Academy Program.
(l) Assistant Director of the Junior Academy. The Assistant Director of the Junior Academy shall assist the Director of the Junior Academy with the activities of the Junior Academy and have specific responsibilities for the New Jersey Science Talent Search and those activities designated by the Director and the Junior Academy Committee.
(m) Editor of the BULLETIN. The editor of the BULLETIN shall be responsible for the regular publication of the BULLETIN and other publications as assigned by the Executive Committee. Assisting the Editor will be an interdisciplinary group of Associate Editors appointed by the President on recommendation of the Publications Committee and approval of the Executive Committee.
(n) Program Development Coordinator. The Program Development Coordinator shall coordinate program development as approved by the Executive Committee with external organizations and funding agencies.
SECTION 1. The Council shall consist of the following members:
(a) Three persons representing New Jersey industries.
(b) One person from the state government
(c) One person from an institution with educational interests
(d) One Past-President of the Academy
(e) The current President, Immediate Past-President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the Academy shall be ex officio members.
SECTION 2. Members of the Council shall be two (2) year terms by the Academy President with approval of the Executive Committee and may be succeed themselves.
SECTION 3. Beginning in 1984 the Advisory Council will hold two meetings each year. The first meeting is to be held in the spring after the Annual Meeting to hear reports of the year's progress and needs. The second meeting will be the Executive Committee in November when the purposes, goal and strategies of the Academy will be evaluated.
SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall perform the following functions:
(a) Administer all of the property, funds and activities of the Academy.
(b) Take such actions as it deems necessary to carry out the purpose of the Academy
(c) Elect a replacement, in the event of a vacancy, of an elected or appointed officer for the remainder of the unexpired term/
(d) Appoint and supervise the work of all communities
(e) Determine the time and place of all meetings sponsored by the Academy, including the Annual Meeting.
(f) Elect members of the Academy
(g) Arrange for an annual independent audit of the Academy funds, and prepare an annual financial report.
SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of voting members as follows:
(a) The President
(b) Immediate Past-President
(c) The President-Elect
(d) The Executive Secretary
(e) The Secretary
(f) The Treasurer
(g) The editor of the BULLETIN
(h) The editor of the NEWSLETTER
(i) The Director of the Junior Academy
(j) The Chairperson of Grants-in-Aid
(k) The Chairperson of the Science Program
SECTION 3. The Executive Committee shall hold meetings at regular intervals and the President shall have the authority to call additional meetings.
SECTION 4. In the absence of the President at any meeting, the President-Elect shall act as the temporary chairperson. Five (5) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
SECTION 1. The President of the Academy appoints the members of all committees, as well as the chairperson of each committee, unless otherwise designated by these By-Laws, subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Members of standing committees are appointed for renewable two year terms. Ad Hoc Committee members are appointed for the duration of the committee work. Each committee is expected to report in writing at least once annually to the executive Committee on the progress of their work. The President of the Academy shall be ex officio members of all committees.
SECTION 2. Publications Committee. This standing committee shall consist of at least three (3) members serving for two year terms; members may be reappointed. The Editors of the BULLETIN and NEWSLETTER shall be ex officio members. The chairperson is to be appointed by the President. The committee shall have the responsibility for all publications of the Academy. Such responsibility will include oversight of the BULLETIN and NEWSLETTER, and consideration of any manuscript that does not come under the purview of either the BULLETIN or NEWSLETTER. The Committee will evaluate such manuscripts and recommendation to the Executive Committee regarding publication. The Publications Committee shall have overall responsibility for implementing publication of approved manuscripts. Details of these responsibilities are set forth in the current Procedure Manual.
SECTION 3. Nominations Committee. This committee shall consist of the three (3) most recent Past Presidents; one member of the Advisory Council and one member of the Executive Committee, the latter two to be appointed by the President. The Past-President, while in office, shall serve as chairperson and shall be responsible for the scheduling and conduct of the meetings of the committee. The committee shall: a) solicit recommendations from the Academy membership for the two elective offices and select nominees for these offices in November of each year. This committee shall submit a slate with the name or names of nominees for the position of President-Elect and Secretary. The names of any candidates submitted by written petition of twenty (20) members must be placed on the ballot. The recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval and then to the members of the Academy by mail ballot in February. b) When requested, make recommendations for the appointive officers of the Academy (See Article IV, Section 2 of the By-Laws.
SECTION 4. Annual Meeting Committee. This committee will consist of the President-Elect, The Chairperson of the Science Program, the Chairperson of the Local Committee where the Annual Meeting is held and the Executive Secretary who will serve as chairperson of the Committee. The Editors of the BULLETIN and NEWSLETTER and the Chairperson of the Awards Committee shall be ex officio members. The responsibility of the Committee shall be the overall planning of the Annual Meeting exclusive of the agenda and conduct of the annual business meeting. Specific responsibilities of committee members are detailed in the Procedure Manual.
SECTION 5. Membership/Finance Committee.
(a) This Committee shall consist of the current Past-Present as Chairperson, one Advisory Council member and one member at large from the Academy membership. The President, Treasurer and Executive Secretary shall be ex officio members.
(b) This Committee shall be responsible for devising and pursuing various methods for increasing the various categories of membership in the Academy and also for increasing te various revenues of the Academy including endowment funds.
(c) When the Committee has developed procedures for meeting these responsibilities, which when approved by the Executive Committee, they shall be incorporated in the Procedure Manual including of reports to the Executive Committee.
SECTION 6. The Awards Committee.
(a) This Committee shall consist of three (3) appointed members of the Academy and the President-Elect. The Chairperson is to be appointed by the President.
(b) It shall administer the awards policy of the Academy. The awards policy identifies occasional awards and annual awards. Recommendations for occasional awards require the approval of the Executive Committee. These include:
Annual awards do not require Executive Committee approval and generally are approved by a sub-committee of the Awards Committee. Annual awards include:
(3) THE BEST BULLETIN ARTICLE (first author)
SECTION 1. Each discipline section of the Annual Meeting of the Academy shall be represented by a chairperson selected by the Chairperson of the Science Program.
SECTION 2. New sections may be established from time to time by the Executive Committee upon the written request of interested members of the Academy. Sections may also be abolished by the Executive Committee.
SECTION 1. The funds of the Academy shall be classified as (a) current funds or (b) endowment funds:
(a) CURRENT FUNDS. Current funds shall include all dues of individual members and organizational members as well as funds received from the sale of publications.
(b) ENDOWMENT FUNDS. Endowment funds shall include all funds resulting from all restricted gifts and bequests which prohibit their use as current funds. It shall also include such additional funds as may be designated by the Executive Committee.
SECTION 1. Any scientific organization, local, state or national with chapters in New Jersey whose objectives are not incompatible with those of the New Jersey Academy of Science may become affiliated with the Academy upon applications and approval by the Executive Committee of the Academy.
SECTION 2. Organizations affiliated with the Academy shall be entitled:
(a) To send one official representative to the annual business meeting of the Academy with the right to vote.
(b) To have its members present papers at the Annual Academy Meeting without membership in the Academy.
(c) To request that the Executive Committee of the Academy establish a section representing the discipline of the affiliate organization at the Annual Meeting of the Academy.
(d) To receive one copy of each Academy NEWSLETTER published.
(e) By special arrangement to hold their Annual Meeting at the same time and place as the New Jersey Academy.
SECTION 3. It shall be the responsibility of each affiliated organization to provide the secretary of the Academy each year with a list of its officers with addresses and telephone numbers and to send to the Secretary, when published, all organizational newsletters or equivalent publications. Loss of affiliation will occur when lists of officers are not received for two (2) consecutive years.
SECTION 1. Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed or initiated by the Executive Committee, by the Council or by ten (10) members of the Academy. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Academy, who shall present it at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. An amendment may be adopted by a two-thirds of the members attending a regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee and shall become effective when ratified by a two-thirds vote of the Academy members attending the next Annual Meeting.
SECTION 1. There shall be a Junior Academy of Science operated under the supervision of the New Jersey Academy of Science, in accordance with the organizational framework adopted by the New Jersey Junior Academy of Science.
SECTION 2. Funds for the operation of the Junior Academy shall be administered by the Treasurer of the New Jersey Academy of Science and shall be used at the discretion of the Director of the Junior Academy with the approval of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey Academy of Science.
SECTION 3. The Director of the Junior Academy shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall make an annual report on progress of the Junior Academy to the Executive Committee.
SECTION 1. In the event of the dissolution of the Academy, all accumulated funds shall go to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
SECTION 1. Except when in conflict with the Constitution or By-Laws, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern meetings of the Academy.